Throwing it out there

A mix of sun and clouds today, with highs in the mid 80s. It’ll stay in the 80s tomorrow, too, with clouds and a shot at rain.


Hoping to avoid selective evidence leaks in the Freddie Gray case, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby is asking to either have the evidence sealed, or to post all the evidence online.

The prosecutors’ court filing argues that the defendants “want to have it both ways. They want the freedom to publicize selected aspects of the discovery, while requiring the State to follow the law that prevents comments in order to ensure a fair trial.” The request cites previous attempts by the six officers’ defense team to steer public perception of the case.

Legal experts say the request to release all of the evidence is unusual.


The local Fraternal Order of Police re-issued complaints that the Baltimore Police won’t release tapes and transcripts of internal communication during April’s unrest. The FOP is hunting for proof of an alleged “stand down” order issued by commanders, a move that the FOP argues made the situation worse and endangered officers. A Baltimore Police statement claimed the the FOP was grandstanding, the department was cooperating with the union as much as possible, and that an argreed deadline for providing the documents hadn’t passed yet. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake also issued a statement, promising a full city-led investigation of events and denying that there was ever a stand down order.


Two men were shot, one fatally, in east Baltimore’s Latrobe Homes yesterday night. Police also announced an overnight shooting death Monday night in west Baltimore’s Mosher neighborhood.


Heritage High School closed for good at the end of the school year on Monday – leading to a dumpster full of books outside of the school. Administrators instructed teachers to toss all books published before 2000 (and schools normally recycle outdated textbooks), but the junk pile includes many good condition classics and barely-touched textbooks.


Ex-Ravens cheerleader, lifestyle coach, and socialite Molly Shattuck pleaded guilty to fourth-degree rape for the sexual abuse of 15-year-old boy in 2014. Shattuck will be sentenced in August, but will have to register as a sex offender.


The Orioles enjoyed a record 8 home runs in a 19-3 win over the Phillies last night. During their total pitching meltdown, the phone was off the hook in the Phillies bullpen.