It’ll be sunny with highs in the low 70s. There’s rain in forecast for most of the rest of the week.
Three people were murdered in Baltimore on Saturday. A woman was fatally stabbed and two men were shot to death in separate incidences. One of the shooting victims was the nephew of City Council President Jack Young, Steven Jackson.
Responding to the outbreak of violence, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Police Commissioner Anthony Batts vowed to step up policing efforts. Batts blamed the situation on the “weather breaking,” instead of a failure by his department to get a handle on things.
Someone, please send Anthony Batts a weather forecast and a better go-to excuse. The city is significantly ahead of 2014’s homicide and non-lethal shooting totals for this point in the year, despite the coldest start of the year on record.
Is Baltimore an affordable place to live? Some new studies suggest that Baltimore is one of the more accessible large cities for first-time home buyers. The Baltimore Chop blog calls BS on this idea, looking at “The White L” and how Baltimore’s most desirable neighborhoods for buyers are increasingly out of budget.
The Orioles open their season at 3:10pm today at Tampa Bay. Here’s the opening roster.