It’ll be cool again today, with some light freezing rain possible this morning. Tomorrow could be 70+ degrees, but it won’t last more than a day.
“Some people have said the work we’re doing here is blaming black men, I refuse to ignore the crisis.”
5 years into her term as Mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake’s “call to action” forum asked black men in the community to do more to curb violence, primarily through mentoring youth.
A 22-year-old man shot on Monday night in Sandtown-Winchester died of his injuries yesterday.
Another man was shot and killed yesterday afternoon outside of a day care center in Southwest Baltimore.
After millions wasted keeping a dated system working, and a scandal that cost the mayor’s IT director his job, the city government is finally planning to upgrade its 14,000 phones. The first step? Pay a consultant $205,000 to manage the proposal for bids to upgrade the phone system.
Moments after being sentenced to life plus 240 years, Darryl Anderson turned to Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, flipped her off and said “Fuck you, Ms. Mosby.” Anderson was convicted for killing two women and injuring a third in a 2013 shooting (Anderson was convicted last week for another murder in Baltimore County).
Powdered alcohol is a thing now, apparently. Some Maryland lawmakers want to prevent it from hitting store shelves.
It’s Maryland Day, marking the 381st anniversary of the arrival of the first European settlers here.