Moving the ball – Monday, March 16th

Great, seasonal weather for today and tomorrow, with highs in the 60s. It’ll get cooler for the rest of the work week.

On Friday, the Maryland House budget committee approved a bipartisan state budget that would restore education funding and slight cost of living increases for state workers. Gov. Larry Hogan’s proposed budget included shifting education funding away from Baltimore city and Prince George’s County schools, and a freeze on state worker pay. There’s still a lot of back-and-forth ahead before state leaders pass a budget.

The Maryland men’s basketball team was pretty bummed last night when they discovered they landed a 4-seed in the NCAA tournament. [VIDEO]The lower-than-expected seeding destines the Terrapins to face undefeated Kentucky in the Sweet Sixteen round.

VP Joe Biden and Sen. Barbara Mikulski will make an appearance in Pikesville later today to promote federal funding to clear a nationwide backlog of untested rape kits.

A man is in serious condition after being shot in the chest during a robbery in the Mt. Winans neighborhood of South Baltimore.

The Conaway family, including the former and current Register of Wills for Baltimore City, can’t find a recent copy of Frank M. Conaway, Sr.’s will.

Athletes leaving town are single-handedly saving print media. Haloti Ngata bought a full-page ad in the Sun thanking Baltimore for his time here.