It’ll be sunny today, with highs in the 50s. Rain is headed our way tomorrow and Saturday.
The warmer weather is probably a relief to Baltimore cops, who are being ordered to spend more time on foot patrol and not in their cars. In hopes of increasing community engagement and trust, Police Commissioner Anthony Batts now expects officers to spend at least a half hour of their shifts on foot.
There’s outrage over a Bowleys Quarter (Baltimore County, on the bay past Essex) neighborhood Facebook page where several neighbors discuss shooting black men on sight. One of the commenters appears to be a Baltimore County middle school teacher, now under investigation from the school system. The Baltimore Spectator caught wind of conversation and it went viral from there. Unfortunately, this incident isn’t uncommon – these neighborhood Facebook groups are like the Applebee’s of casual racism.
Here are sketches of an upcoming development at Stadium Square in South Baltimore’s Sharp-Leadenhall neighborhood. It looks like every other mixed-use condo building built since 1995.
Former Lt. Gov Anthony Brown will probably run for Donna Edwards’ House spot in the 4th District. Edwards is running for Senate in 2016. Brown (or any other candidate for any of Maryland’s House seats) should be required to draw a map of the district first.