Kyle Muehlhauser, president of the local Rams Head Group of restaurants and concert spaces, was charged with videotaping women in the bathroom at the Savage Mill Rams Head Tavern. Muehlhauser turned himself in and was released on bail. According to charging documents, the hidden camera fell on the floor next to a woman in the bathroom. When police accessed the camera’s memory, they found footage of 6 women, plus blurry images of Muehlhauser installing the camera.
There’s now video of the incident Sunday that led to a city police officers tasering and shooting an unarmed suspect after a car chase. In the footage, the man pulls over, gets out of his car and charges toward the officers, still in their cruiser. The man, Jeffrey Blair Jr., 35, is in critical condition at a local hospital.
It turns out that MTA has been doing a pretty bad job of keeping track of Red Line planning costs. According to an audit, the Maryland Transit Authority didn’t verify over $200 million in engineering contractor costs for Baltimore’s Red Line or the DC region Purple Line project – so, it’s unknown whether or not the vendors were overpaid. Costs for both are under a lot of scrutiny, as Gov. Hogan decides whether or not either transit project is worth the expense.
Teen pregnancies in Baltimore dropped over a third from 2009 to 2013, following national trends. Baltimore’s rate is still fairly higher than the national average (43.4 pregnancies per 1,000 female teens, vs. 26.5 nationally). Here’s the thing: nobody is totally sure why teen pregnancy rates are dropping quickly (researchers even suspect MTV’s Teen Mom may play a role).